RS Regulator's Portal header image
Welcome to the Regulator's demo XBRL Web site.
General information

The Regulator's XBRL demo web site is a prototype that allows regulators and regulated entities to obtain the benefits of XBRL. The XBRL functionality added to this portal in just a demo of what can be implemented using Reporting Standard XBRL components.

Reporting Standard XBRL components can be combined in several ways depending on your own workflow. In this demo we have implemented some workflows using the IFRS 2009 taxonomy from the IASB. In this web site you'll see the following components in action:

The demo consists of two parts: the Front-End with services for regulated entities like: XBRL Generation from web forms, XBRL reception, online validation and XBRL rendering to HTML and the Back-End with services like exploring the database content and visualization of reports. Reporting Standard has developed other products in order to explore and gain access to the information in the XBRL Database in order to generate statistics or access to database content from Excel Spreadsheets.