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XBRL Submission page

Add content to the XBRL database. The content will be validated and added to the database in case there are no XBRL errors.

  1. Prepare you XBRL report. It may contain you own taxonomy extensions
  2. Publish your XBRL report (including your XBRL Taxonomy Extensions)
    in your web site
  3. Annotate the XBRL Report URL and submit it in this web form

Send us your XBRL document


Document loading and storage into the database will be done automatically but in a separate process. Please provide us with an email address if you wish to be informed you about the loading process. If the email address is not correct in syntax or cannot be resolved no email will be sent.

In order to avoid malicious use of this service by people willing to send spam from our service, this service only accepts proper and new XBRL reports. XBRL reports already stored are ignored. Web pages or whatever other content that is not an XBRL report will be silently ignored.

(Optional) Email address to inform about the loading process: